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NICU 101

NICU 101. Here are 10 pieces of advice and information that you’ll find helpful if your baby needs to spend time in the NICU.

Breastfeeding: The Magic Hour

The minutes and hours after you deliver your baby are some of the most special – and important – moments you’ll ever spend your child. Learn what to expect during this critical time and how to ensure a great start to your breastfeeding experience.

Cesarean Section Deliveries

Nearly one out of three deliveries result in a C-Section. Knowing what to expect with a C-section and understanding the reasons you may need one can help you prepare if need one during your delivery.

Your Plan for Birth

It can be difficult to think clearly or make meaningful decisions during labor and delivery. That is why it is so important to think through the elements of labor and delivery and consider your options before the big day arrives.

Medications and the Newborn

When you deliver your baby, your health care team will provide your newborn with three medications. Learn more about how these can help protect your newborn.

What to Expect During Labor and Delivery

Here is what to expect when you deliver your baby at the hospital.

Recovery from Delivery 

Often referred to as the fourth trimester, the days and weeks following birth can be a time of transition, learning, rest, healing, and recovery.

What to Expect Your First 
Time Breastfeeding

As you may have heard, delivering a baby is hard work. By the end of labor, you will likely be exhausted. But the end of delivery marks the beginning of what is sometimes called “The Magic Hour.” It is not necessarily a literal hour – it may be shorter or longer – but it is […]